Today’s society is very familiar with the term “doomsday”. According to Merriam Webster, the definition of Doomsday is a “day of final judgment” or a “time of catastrophic destruction and death” (Definition of Doomsday 1). That’s exactly what people thought would happen in 2012 when radical David Meade and other conspiracy followers spread the news that planet Nibiru, or Planet X, would collide with Earth and end the world on December 21st all over the internet (Selk 1). This led to the creation of a few conspiracy theories, including the government knew about Planet X ending the world and kept it a secret, the Mayans predicted the end of the world and discovered Nibiru, and finally David Meade predicted that Nibiru would collide with the earth and end life as we know it. Let’s examine each conspiracy and explore the fact that there is a low probability that these theories are accurate.